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Fig 1. The HSRA model atmosphere (dashed) and Spruit's model of convective zone (solid). This is reproduced after Fig.3 of Spruit's paper. |
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Fig 2. Same as Fig1, just the entire models are shown. |
The data in the files below is Table II of Spruit's paper scanned, OCR-ed and manually double checked. I did some small changes to match the format of other models. The geometrical height scale is in km with zero at $tau_{500}=1$. All values are negative because this model covers only the layers below the surface. The variables in the original table are (the names in parentheses refer to the variable names in my files):
- depth relative to $tau_{500}=1$ (h),
- column mass (m),
- gas pressure (pgas),
- temperature (t),
- electron pressure (pel),
- density (rho),
- specific heat per mass (cp),
- adiabatic gradient (agrad),
- mean molecular weight (mu),
- Rosseland mean opacity (kappa),
- radiative gradient (rgrad),
- mean gradient (mgrad),
- convective velocity (v),
- electrical conductivity (s33).
spruit = {h:h, m:m, pgas:pgas, pel:pel, t:t, rho:rho, cp:cp, agrad:agrad,
mgrad:mgrad, rgrad:rgrad, mu_mu, kappa:kappa, v:v, s33:s33,
variables:variables, reference:reference}
where the variables tag has two self-explanatory tags, varnames and varunits. All units are in CGS, except depth that is in km. Both files are all in a tarball:spruit.tar
Disclaimer: This data is publicly available in Spruit (1974, 1974SoPh...34..277S). If you use the data in a publication please cite it appropriately. I double-checked that the digitized version here matches the original, still typos are possible no matter how unlikely. If you have any doubts, compare the numbers to those in the paper.
Hello, Nikola. Thanks for posting the data for 1D solar atmosphere model, but it seems like the download link does not work anymore. Could you please post an updated link for the files? Thanks a lot!