Sunday 29 September 2013

Cubic spline interpolation: Periodic splines

If the unknown function is periodic, then the periodicity may be used to specify the boundary conditions. Before (in the case of the natural splines) we had $n+1$ value of x and y and as a result we obtained values of the cubic polynomial at $n$ intervals.

Now our function is periodic with period $p$, thus $S(x) = S(x+p)$. In practice, we have an additional data point $x_{n+1}$, such that
$$x_{n+1} = x_0 + p,$$
$$y_{n+1} = y_0.$$

The total number of data points is $n+2$ and the total number of segments (and cubic splines) between them is $n+1$.

The smoothness requirement at the nodes is exactly the same as before, so we can rewrite the equations (21):
q_i = c_{i-1}h_{i-1}+c_{i}w_{i} + c_{i+1}h_{i},
w_i = 2(h_i + h_{i-1}) = 2(x_{i+1} - x_i + x_i - x_{i-1}) = 2(x_{i+1}-x_{i-1}),
q_i = y_{i+1}\frac{3}{h_i} + y_i \left(-\frac{3}{h_i}-\frac{3}{h_{i-1}} \right) +y_{i-1}\frac{3}{h_{i-1}},
where $i = 0, \dots, n$.

The equation for $i = 0$ is
q_0 = c_{-1}h_{-1} + c_{0}w_{0} + c_{1}h_{0}.

Due to the periodicity, the -1-st interval is exactly the same as n-th interval, so we may write
\begin{equation} q_0 = c_{n}h_{n} + c_{0}w_{0} + c_{1}h_{0}. \end{equation}

The equation for $i = n$ reads:
q_n = c_{n-1}h_{n-1}+c_{n}w_{n} + c_{n+1}h_{n}.

Again, the periodicity wraps up the system, n+1-st segment is equal to the 0-th segment, so:
\begin{equation} q_n = c_{n-1}h_{n-1}+c_{n}w_{n} + c_{0}h_{n}. \label{eq:qn} \end{equation}

Here we implicitly introduced the boundary condition for the periodic splines that requires that the interpolation function remains smooth at the end-points. The condition can be formulated as:

Periodic splines:
\begin{equation} S''_0(x_n+1) = S_{n}''(x_n), \;\;\;\;\;\;\;S_{n}''(x_n) = 2c_n = 0. \label{eq:natural} \end{equation}

In the matrix form, the system of equation can now be written as
\begin{equation}\left(\begin{matrix} q_0 \\ q_1 \\ \vdots \\ q_{n-1}  \\q_{n}\end{matrix}\right)=
\left(\begin{matrix} w_0 & h_0 & 0   & \dots & 0   & 0  & h_n \\
h_0 & w_1 & h_1 & \dots & 0   & 0  & 0\\
\vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots   & \vdots  & \vdots  \\
0 & 0 & 0 & \dots & h_{n-2} & w_{n-1} & h_{n-1}  \\
h_n & 0 & 0 & \dots & 0 & h_{n-1} & w_n \end{matrix}\right)
\left(\begin{matrix} c_0 \\ c_1 \\ \vdots \\ c_{n-1}  \\c_{n}\end{matrix}\right),

The matrix is strictly diagonally dominant, so the system has a unique solution and in can be solved by Gaussian elimination. There is an earlier post describing how to solve this system in an elegant way (including and IDL implementation of the algorithm).

My IDL implementation of the periodic cubic splines for a given set of data points (x, y) is coded in the function To evaluate the interpolation function (once the coefficients are known), one may use


; The exact function for comparison.
nxa = 241
period = 2.
xa = DINDGEN(nxa)/100-1.2
ya = SIN(2.*!pi*xa/period)  
; The 'measurement' samples the function at 9 points (the array must be
; monotonically increasing).
x = DOUBLE([-1., -0.8, -0.6, -0.45,  0.0, 0.3, 0.5, 0.6, 1.])
nx = N_ELEMENTS(x)
; Force the exact periodicity, y[0] = y[nx-1]
y = [SIN(2*!pi*x[0:nx-2]/period), SIN(2*!pi*x[0]/period)]
; Compute the coefficients of the approximative function S and evaluate S 
; at the same grid used to compute the exact function.
nx0 = nxa
x0 = FINDGEN(120)/4.-3
y0 = CSP_EVALUATE(x0, x, cp) 

Fig. Pluses show the nine data points in which the sine function is sampled. All the samples are from the [-1, 1] interval. The black solid line shows the exact function. The periodic cubic splines are computed using the data points and the interpolation function is evaluated at the entire interval. The periodicity of the exact function is of course fully replicated.


  1. Thanks for the post Nikola, this can come quite handy in angular interpolation in spherical and cylindrical coordinate systems!

    1. That was my intention! :) It is actually useful whenever there is a periodic bc. Please let me know if you implement it in your code. Cheers, NV

  2. If you want to interpolate from coarse means to a higher resolution, one advantage of using splines can be that you can also include the integral over the coarse intervals as restraint. In this way you can interpolate in a way that preserves the coarse mean values.

    We have used such a method to interpolate 2D fields of pressure and temperature at the surface. In this way the mass and energy was preserved much better as with linear interpolation.

    Schomburg, A., V.K.C. Venema, R. Lindau, F. Ament, and C. Simmer. A downscaling scheme for atmospheric variables to drive soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer models. Tellus B, doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0889.2010.00466.x, 62, no. 4, pp. 242-258, 2010.

    1. Many thanks for the comment and the paper. Sorry for replying only now, I didn't have much time for the blog lately.

      It's a very interesting point that you make. I had already a hintch that the cubic splines conserve the energy rather well. I did some simple tests and examples confirming that. Currently I'm working on a radiative transfer code that partly relies on the cubic spline interpolation between different grids. If you're interested I can keep you updated.

      By the way, I'm following your blog and I also found your page - a lot of attractive stuff in both, particularly the 3D radiative transfer and the surrogate clouds. Some years ago I was doing a research in remote sensing and got interested in these topics. Best, NV

    2. Our splines designed to preserve the coarse mean were better than linear interpolation. Given your hunch, we should have tested how much improvement normal splines already would have given. Yes, please keep me informed. I am a bit distracted by homogenization of climate data at the moment, but hope to do more radiative transfer work in future again. It is a beautiful topic. Splines are also used in the correction of the mean of daily data sometimes. The corrections computed on monthly data are interpolated this way to daily scales.

  3. Hi Nikola - I found the derivations and code on your site regarding periodic splines to be very useful. I am a bit surprised that this material is not more well known!

    I want to ask you about the code in CSP_EVALUATE, that evaluates the values of the periodic cubic spline at positions specified by the arguments. It looks to me like the comments defining x and x0, etc., do not match the code; rather, the definitions of x and x0 seem to be switched - x gives the positions of the samples and x0 gives the positions at which interpolated values are returned. Is this correct?

    Thanks for your work!
