Thursday 9 October 2014

1D Solar Atmosphere Models in IDL: Maltby et al (MACKKL)

Here I add files containing the one-dimensional models of the solar atmosphere from the famous paper of Maltby et al (1986, 1986ApJ...306..284M). There is a quiet sun model and three models of the sunspot atmosphere (L, M, E corresponding to the late, mid and early cycle of the solar activity). For the details of these models please check the paper.

The data in the files comes directly from Tables 7, 8, 9 and 11 of Maltby et al. The variables stored in the original models are:
  • geometrical height scale, 
  • column mass scale, 
  • optical depth at 5000 A, 
  • temperature, 
  • turbulent velocity, 
  • number density of hydrogen, 
  • electron density, 
  • total pressure, 
  • ratio of gas pressure to total pressure, 
  • density.

Fig. The temperature stratification of the three sunspot models (remake of Fig.8 of Maltby et al)

The data in my files is OCR-ed and manually double checked. There are two versions of files: .dat (ascii) and .sav (IDL). In the IDL files the models are stored in structure variables: mackkl_qs, mackkl_e, mackkl_m, mackkl_l. Each of them has the following tabs:
mackkl_model = {h:h, m:m, tau5:tau5, t:t, v:v, nhtot:nhtot, nel:nel,  $
    ptot:ptot, pgas:pgas, rho:rho, variables:variables, reference:reference}
where variables has two self-explanatory tags, varnames and varunits.
I made two small changes to make my life easier. First I set the logarithm of the uppermost optical depth to a finite value. Second, I replaced Pgas/Ptot column simply with Pgas. The files are all in a tarball:


Disclaimer: This data is publicly available in Maltby et al (1986, 1986ApJ...306..284M). If you use the data in a publication please cite it properly. I double-checked that the digitized version here matches the original, still typos are possible no matter how unlikely. If you have any doubts, compare the numbers to those in the paper.

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