Wednesday, 30 November 2016
1D Solar Atmosphere Models in IDL: Penumbra by Ding & Fang (1989)
It is interesting to note their Fig.2 (see it below). In the deep photosphere, the temperature in this model is similar to the temperature in the model of Yun et al. (1981). However, between the optical depths -3 and -4 it becomes close to the VALC model (Vernazza et al, 1981).
Friday, 21 October 2016
Installing IDL v7.1 on Kubuntu 16.04 (on MacBook pro)
The IDL installation went smooth as usual, but when I tried to run IDL, there was an error:
error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
In the IDL help pages ( IDL fails to install on Linux: What to do, scroll down to the Ubuntu section) there is a comment on that that turned only half useful. Two libraries I got installed with no problem:
sudo apt-get install libxmu-dev
sudo apt-get install libxmu6
but the other three were not found in repositories. Instead of manual installation (two of them are available from, but the last one is a bit mysterious. Google finds it only in three pages related to IDL, one of them being the previously mentioned page from the IDL docs). Instead, I got if from Git. As I have just installed Kubuntu there was still some important packages missing, so some of the following steps may be redundant for you.
sudo apt-get install autoconf autogen intltool
sudo apt-get install git
sudo apt-get install xutils-dev libtool libx11-dev
x11proto-xext-dev x11proto-print-dev
git clone
Then cd to libXp directory and execute
sudo ./
In my case if was complaining about the line 18214 related to XPRINT. I commented out that line from the script and executed it again. After that everything is straight forward:
sudo ./configure
sudo make install
And finally I add the path to the library to .bashrc (all in one line):
echo 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
After that IDL worked normally.
Friday, 23 September 2016
How to find if point is in or out of polygon? (in IDL)
IDL> px = [0.3, 0.3, 0.7, 0.7]
IDL> py = [0.3, 0.7, 0.7, 0.3]
IDL> x = RANDOMU(seed1, 5000)
IDL> y = RANDOMU(seed2, 5000)
IDL> id = INSIDE(x, y, px, py, /ind)
IDL> PLOT, x, y, psym = 3
IDL> OPLOT, [px, 0.3], [py, 0.3]
IDL> OPLOT, x[id], y[id], psym = 3, col = 255
Saturday, 16 July 2016
Equation of state: Vardya - Mihalas - Wittmann
These are my notes on equation of state derived initially by Vardya (1965), described by Mihalas (1967) and popularized by Wittmann (1974). It is widely used (or at least present as an option) in spectral synthesis codes like SIR or NICOLE. It is also prepared for the MANCHA code with several modifications and additionally computed quantities. However, the equation is derived in this particular form to be solvable on computing resources half a century ago. From today's perspective, this formulation is rather obsolete. While the results of the VMW EOS are still largely reliable, various tricks introduced to control numerical stability limit its usability to rather restricted range of the pressure and temperature.
Here I derive a simple equation of state for the solar atmosphere following the classical work of Vardya (1965), Mihalas (1967) and Wittmann (1974). The EOS is based on the Saha ionisation equilibrium and the instanteneous chemical equilibrium for the molecules. The main ingredient is hydrogen. It's included as atomic hydrogen (H), negative hydrogen ion (H-), positive hydrogen ion (H+), and as H2 and H2+ molecules. For all other atoms the neutral and the first two ionisation stages are included.
The equations were first published by Vardya (1967). Mihalas (1967) gave a simple numerical algorithm for an efficient solution of the system. Wittmann (1974) copied the equations and add a corrective factor that provides numerical stability at high temperature.
The derivation here follows Mihalas. However, in the original derivation there is a couple of inconsistencies that obscure the procedure. Here I write the equations in a correct and consistent way.
Let's first define the pressures:
$p_{\mathrm{H}}$ - partial pressure of the neutral H atoms;
$p_{\mathrm{H^+}}$ - partial pressure of the positive H ions (protons);
Tuesday, 3 May 2016
Effective Lande g-factor (in IDL)
For each of the levels (u for upper, l for lower) in LS coupling holds:
$$g_\mathrm{LS} =\frac{3}{2}+\frac{S (S+1) - L (L+1)}{2J(J+1)}, $$
where $L$, $S$ and $J$ are the orbitatl, spin and total angular momentum quantum numbers of the atomic level (note that it is undefined for $J=0$). The effective Lande g-factor is then defined as:
$$\bar{g} = \frac{1}{2}(g_\mathrm{l} +g_\mathrm{u}) + \frac{1}{4}(g_\mathrm{l} - g_\mathrm{u})(J_\mathrm{l}(J_\mathrm{l}+1) - J_\mathrm{u}(J_\mathrm{u}+1)).$$
Here is my IDL code for computing the effective Lande g-factor of a spectral line in LS coupling. At the input the code takes the quantum number of the lower and the upper level of a transition. The numbers may be specified either as an array [L, S, J] or in spectroscopic notation.
IDL> PRINT, LANDE_FACTOR(lower = [3., 1, 2.], upper = '3p1.0')
Upper term: 3p1.0 => l = 1.00000s = 1.00000j = 1.00000
IDL> PRINT, LANDE_FACTOR(lower = '5F1.0', upper = '5d0.0')
Lower term: 5f1.0 => l = 3.00000s = 2.00000j = 1.00000
Upper term: 5d0.0 => l = 2.00000s = 2.00000j = 0.00000
Friday, 15 January 2016
Kurucz' Atlas in GNU Linux
There is a webpage: providing the code and the documentation.